JustIn Control 2.0 is now live

30 03 2009

There is still a lot of room for work, but the site is up. Please be patient as I add features and goodies and design elements. I just want to get the show on the road.


JustIn Control 2.0

30 03 2009

So I have been on a break. I will explain later. But JustIn Control 2.0 is coming today. New website. Fresh Energy. It is all going to be awesome. Check back later today for the link.

A Familiar Place

23 02 2009

Well, back and ready to attack.

The scale this morning read an all too familiar number. 216. It is almost reassuring. It’s so familiar. And given that these last couple of weeks have been busier than usual, it’s great to know that I’m not gaining weight.

However, I am really looking forward to seeing a new number. So I am going to have to switch things up a bit. I have decided to try my best to stick very strictly to the Weight Watcher plan. I have kind of used it as a guide before and now I am jumping with both feet in. I get 33 points a day.  With a pregnant wife, I don’t know how realistic this goal is going to be but it is worth a shot.

Hopefully this will jumpstart my body back into weight loss mode. Plus with the weather getting better, I should be able to get outside and ride my bike more.

I’m On Vacation

16 02 2009

So in the great words of Bob Wiley “I’m on Vacation…A Vacation from my problems.”
Today being President’s Day and given the last week of no exercise due to extreme workload, I am going to skip a weigh in today. When you sign up with Weight Watchers they give you this coupon to skip the scale when you need it, and I think I need it. So sorry to disappoint everyone, but I really am just going to enjoy my day off and will weigh in next week. I was going to go for a ride today, but rain makes that experience miserable.

Perhaps I can go sailing…


11 02 2009

I’m sorry, I thought I posted on Monday. Thanks Lindsey for calling me out.

My weigh in was 218 again. It may have been more of a loss without going to camp. But with camp and to not have gained is awesome.

I am more busy now than I have been in awhile. I am working a ton of hours and have had no time to exercise and it is driving me insane. I had a little bit of a breakdown because of it the other day. My poor wife. I just feel stretched thin. So I don’t know if there is going to be any significant loss this week either. I am just going to keep on keeping on. I brought my bike to work today and I am going to try and get out on my lunch break (if I get a lunch break).

Sorry I have been off the grid for a week. Once things slow down, I’ll be back on track.

Checking In and Winter Camp

6 02 2009

Hey everyone.
1st off, I love that this turned into the pros and cons of bike riding over running. I had a good conversation with my friend Mike about this whole weight loss journey. I told him I’m trying to not be such a fatty and he said, “well more than that, it’s finding things that you like to do”. Totally true. I had no idea how much I would enjoy riding a mountain bike. Both just on the road and actually going off road. So for me, I’ve found a great hobby that is a good workout. But to each his own.

I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while. Thank you to everyone that called me out. This week has been really busy. I am off today because I am going to High School Winter Camp and getting all my work done by today has made for some pretty long days (13 hours yesterday).

I have had a few workouts this week, but they were short ones. A 4 mile walk with Ema on Wednesday and then a 3 mile bike ride up to the Slavich house last night. Not crazy or anything, but good to get out.

In about an hour, Sarah and I are leaving to take our High Schoolers to Winter Camp. That means they regulate what I eat, but I’ll need to regulate how much I eat. So please be praying for me. I feel back on track and moving in the right direction and don’t want to make big mistakes.

I hope you guys have a great weekend. I’ll check in on Monday with a new weigh in.

Monday’s Weigh In and Bike Ride

2 02 2009

So nothing changed since Saturday. 218. I am totally cool with that.

I decided to break the bike in today. I drove our 4Runner up to work with the bike in the back and took it out for a little exploration of the trail I like to jog on. If I wasn’t constrained to my hour long lunch break, I could have ridden it forever. It is such a rad bike.

I am having difficulty with the map. I may post it later.  But basically I went just shy of 10 miles. 9.69 Miles.

I found a great marshy, wetlands area. I also found a really quiet park that seems perfect for relaxing. I think I am going to bring my lunch with me next time and have some good devo time there in the middle of my ride.

I love riding a bike so much. I was looking online for an article that someone told me about. They said there was someone on Biggest Loser who lost a bunch of weight after the show because of riding a bike. Well I found it and thought I’d share it with you. It actually is a number of riders that lost over 100 pounds by riding a bike (how is that for encouraging?)


There is a link in there too that shows you more people that dropped a ton of weight by cycling.

Hope you guys have a fantastic week. I know I will. I’ll post my walks and rides throughout the week if you feel like checking in.

Birthday and Goal Date

2 02 2009

(I actually wrote this on Saturday. I thought I posted it. Sorry)

I’m 29 today. How crazy. My last year in my twenties.

Today was a day of mixed feelings. I woke up dreading the scale because I knew there was no way, unless a miracle happened that I was going to see my goal weight of 199 (I can lose 20 pounds in less than a week right?). So there was a lot of disappointment because I felt like I failed. I walked over to the scale and saw 218. I was pretty encouraged by that because the scale is moving in the right direction again.

Then the presents came. Presents always make me happy. My wife always does such an amazing job. Plus I’m pretty easy to shop for. There isn’t much I don’t like. Usually I’ll get DVDs or music or some sort of techy toy. This year my wife got me clothes. At first glance, I was caught off guard because I didn’t ask for clothes at all. This was not the norm. Now before I go any further and seem ungrateful let me tell you that these 3 pairs of pants and button up shirt were an AMAZING gift. They were all smaller than anything I owned…and they all fit. 4 months ago I was wearing pants that were 38×32 and I was busting at the seams. These pants were 34×30 and they fit great. I never would have dreamed of owning a shirt that was anything but an XL. But this button up shirt was a slim cut large. On a day that could have been so discouraging my wife got me the perfect present. A reminder of how far I’ve come and even though the scale is not where I’d like it to be, I feel like I’ve really made a tremendous improvement and am working towards hitting my goal. These articles of clothing set the tone for the rest of the day (which was amazing.)

I took the dog for a walk. These have been great and we can usually go a pretty good distance. I think it is really helping the weight loss. My wife said she is starting to see the loss again.

It says it was only 5.56 miles. It felt like more, but perhaps that is just the age talking. I originally set out to walk to San Martin, but those were lofty goals and I didn’t have the time for it.

The Slavich’s got me an amazing Specialized Mountain Bike (as you know I’ve kind of been obsessed with riding a bike lately). It is so rad and I’ll post pics of it soon.

Later we saw Wicked the musical in San Francisco and it took our breath away. I highly recommend it to everyone. It was really really amazing.

When I woke up, I didn’t know if I was going to continue on with the JustIn Control blog. But I’m here today, 29 years old and here to stay. If you guys are still up for it, let’s go for another lap. Your support means so much and I know I am where I am with your help.

Thanks so much.

Took another stroll

28 01 2009

Took another early morning walk today with the dog.  Google maps only calls it 5.72 miles but it sure felt like longer.  Oh well.

The soundtrack of this walk was:
(Click the image to go to their myspace page so you can hear samples)


Band Of Horses - Cease To Begin


The Neighborhood - Our Voices Choked With Fireworks

Feel Free to follow me on Twitter

27 01 2009



For the longest time I didn’t see a point to this.  But I practiced this weekend through my facebook updates and it was kind of fun.  I figure you guys can all see when I am out and about and even more transparency in how I spend my day.

It may be lame, but I’m giving it a go.

If you don’t know much about Twitter, watch this fantastic little video that made it all clear to me.